4 Reasons Every Business Needs a Heavy-Duty Fire Door
Heavy-Duty Fire Doors

Fire doors are present in all large buildings, and they’re there for a reason! If you think that perhaps your business doesn’t need fire doors, you’re mistaken. There are so many reasons you should be looking at the best fire protection gates out there.

Ohio has an injury and death rate from fires that are higher than the national average. This means that there is more that businesses and governments need to be doing to prevent this from happening.

Slows fire

Fire doors can help slow down the fire, and therefore lessen damage and save lives in case of such an incident. Fire doors are built with a sturdy frame that is sometimes covered with fire-resistant glass to keep it more secure.

Also, a mechanism called an intumescent seal is fitted in a fire door so that it expands to seal the gaps between the door and frame at high temperatures. These features allow fire doors to protect one part of a building from a fire in another section.

Legal Requirement

Many fire legislations, including Ohio’s, require businesses to install adequate fire protection safety measures. This includes alarms, extinguishers, and of course, fire doors. If you do not follow these guidelines, you can be reported and charged as well as fined heavily.

Fire doors are, therefore, often a non-optional part of creating a space for your business. Some fire codes even discuss the details of how fire doors should be placed and installed, so make sure to consult your local fire legislation.

Insurance Benefits

Businesses have to be evaluated and inspected by insurance personnel for you to get insurance coverage. This includes an on-site evaluation. So, if an insurance inspector comes to your office space and sees a lack of safety precautions such as fire doors, you might be denied coverage entirely or given an expensive deal.

Don’t Skimp on Safety

It’s essential to stay ethical! If you’re hiring employees or customers are coming into your business, you need to make sure the location is safe. Safety is not just about protection from criminals, but also protections against hazards such as a fire.

If you do not provide the relevant parties this protection, you can be held liable in case of an unforeseen fire incident. This is especially true if you haven’t invested a suitable amount of money in high-quality doors.

Darkinson Doors has 70 years of experience in reliably providing businesses with grade A industrial doors, as well as commercial doors and gate operators in Toledo, OH. We can also fit you with residential doors and scissor gates. Call us at 419-478-1000 or 800-922-5017 to find out more now!


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